Phil Waterford on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2011 purchased the facility and property on N. Main Street that Manteca Ford has conducted business in and on since 1975 from Knapp Properties.
“We considered building a new facility on the Highway 120 bypass close to Bass Pro Shops but decided to stay right where we are.” Waterford stated. “When automobile dealers reach a certain level of success, typically dealers build a new elaborate facility. Sometimes they overbuild, it’s almost like they build a monument to themselves. The expense structure increases and subsequently so do the price of vehicles and services offered to the public.”
Waterford remains steadfast to offer the best vehicles at the lowest prices while providing efficient services at competitive prices. Waterford understands that “we can’t spell SUCCESS without U. Our first rule of success is that we must remain competitive in every aspect of our business from the sale of parts, new and used auto sales, body shop, financing, and to the everyday services that are offered in our Quick Lane facility for light repair and maintenance. Our overall expenses are very low and some of the additional resources that the dealership earns we give right back to the community in many different ways.”
In 1957, Jerry Knapp started “Knapp Ford” in Manteca when the city had a population of only 4,500 residents. The original dealership that was located on Yosemite Avenue caught fire and burned to the ground. Subsequently, the Knapp family moved to the N. Main Street location in 1975. David Knapp, son of Jerry Knapp, worked closely with his father and he has many wonderful memories working at the dealership. Dave recalls, “My father believed in helping the community and its people. I was fortunate to get the opportunity to do the same. There was truly a sense of pride in those days to help each other in any way possible. I see very similar characteristics in the way that Phil Waterford has decided to conduct business and help our community.”
“I have watched in person as Phil and his team are involved in the community, from receiving many awards from Ford Motor Company as well as the California Legislature. What I am most impressed with is Waterford’s unselfish way in helping people in the community, from the annual free Christmas Eve breakfast that feeds hundreds upon hundreds of needy families and providing each child with a toy for Christmas, to his tireless dedication and love for our veterans.
“My father, Jerry Knapp, was a veteran and served in the 555th Infantry Battalion in the France theatre of World War II,” Knapp stated. “Manteca will always be special to me and my family, and I know it’s become a special place for the Waterford family as well. I’m excited to see Phil and his son, Phil Jr., continue with the principles my father started when he came to Manteca by helping people in all situations of life. “I encourage Waterford and his team to keep doing all that they do for the community and its people. I’m sure God will continue to bless all their endeavors.”
Non-move helps keep prices low
Waterford purchases N. Main Street facility, land from Knapp Properties