100 years ago
January 26, 1917
Mrs. Eva Hamilton is to be tried for assault before Justice Southwell and a jury of Manteca citizens tomorrow. After serving a one-month sentence in the county jail, Mrs. Hamilton assaulted one of the parties interested in her first conviction, causing a fractured bone. This is to be Manteca’s first jury trial.
90 years ago
January 27, 1927
The Tuttle Cheese Company has taken a long lease on the Baccilieri Building on Poplar Street, now occupied by the Spreckels Creameries, Inc., and will open for business the first of the coming week. J. L. Tuttle and J. I. McIntosh, officials of the company in Oakland, were in Manteca yesterday afternoon to complete arrangements for moving their plant from Tracy to this city.
80 years ago
January 28, 1937
Steps were taken Monday evening to form a new service club in Manteca when 12 local candidates attended a dinner meeting at Ray’s Quick Lunch of the Oakdale 20-30 Club. Temporary officers were elected for the new group, with Herbert Whelan, chairman and Claude Moore, secretary-treasurer. Other positions will be filled by appointment.
70 years ago
January 24, 1947
Joe Tremain, general chairman of arrangements for the annual dinner meeting of the Manteca Chamber of Commerce next Wednesday night at 7 o’clock at Marvin’s Café, has appointed Carl Hansen to secure the entertainment and Ralph Breitenbucher to secure the speaker. Dr. A.J. Whitaker will serve as master of ceremonies. Members of the chamber are requested to bring their wives as guests.
60 years ago
January 24, 1957
George Dadasovich was named Outstanding Young Man of the community for 1956 by the Manteca Junior Chamber of Commerce at the annual dinner held last night in the FESM Banquet Hall. Leroy Darling, last year’s recipient, made the presentation. Previous winners of the award are John J. McFall, George Murphy Jr., George Poulos, Dale Johnson, Ronald Piper, Vernon Jeffries, Calvin Purvis and Darling.
50 years ago
January 25, 1967
The much-discussed issue of what kind of educational program should be instituted at East Union High School in September was resolved at Tuesday evening’s Manteca Unified School District board meeting. The board of trustees reaffirmed its 4-1 vote of 11 months ago to put a comprehensive four-year high school at East Union, beginning this fall with grades 9-11. Trustee Ed Dinsdale, who cast the lone dissenting vote, said, “I don’t think the EUHS campus has as much to offer as MHS.”
40 years ago
January 26, 1977
More than 100 South Countians gathered in the FESM Hall as the local Jaycees named its annual distinguished service awards. Manteca Ford dealer Jerry Knapp was named “man of the year”, cousins Marvin and Bob Brocchini were named the “outstanding young man” and “young farmer” of the year, respectively. Manteca Police officer Louis Calestini was awarded the “outstanding young peace officer” and Bob Wallace was chosen as the “outstanding young educator of the year”. Sherilyn Weatherford was named “outstanding young woman of the year”.
30 years ago
January 28, 1987
Directors of the South San Joaquin Irrigation District may turn to the Bureau of Reclamation for help in supplying water to the district’s 2,700 farmers if there isn’t more rain this year. SSJID directors earlier had asked the bureau about using storage space in the New Melones reservoir, once district property but taken over by the bureau during the expansion in the late 1970s.
20 years ago
January 29, 1997
Repair crews continued working round the clock Tuesday fixing the broken levees. But Mother Nature kept busy too. The San Joaquin River rose again to flood stage, 29.1 feet near Vernalis Tuesday. At Mossdale, the water level was at warning stage, 19.7 feet. The result: roadways south of Manteca, where flood waters have recently receded, were once again inundated.
10 years ago
January 28, 2007
One-stop shopping for businesses and residents seeking permit approval for everything from building a new store or a patio for their home is moving closer to becoming a reality. City of Manteca officials are hoping to reduce the sometimes long wait business owners experience when applying for permits, by relocating the Planning Department, Building and Economic Development and the Redevelopment Agency under one single roof.