The banners that hang inside the gym at the Boys and Girls Club of Manteca tell a story of success that until recently had been a distant memory.
But thanks to Program Director Jon Cardoza and partner Frankie Lopez, the basketball program that once featured teams that traveled throughout Northern California representing Manteca is well on its way to reclaiming its former glory one game at a time.
Getting to that point, however, isn’t going to be easy.
“Our goal is get this back to the way that it was, and I’m glad that I have a chance to be involved in this first as a member and a participant when I was younger and now helping run this program with Jon,” Lopez said. “We want to improve each and every year and make this what it once was.”
According to Cardoza, more than 90 high school students tried out for teams – including AAU and Internet sensation Kiwi Gardner who recently earned the Valley Oak League Most Valuable Player award for his performance at Manteca High School.
The previous high for the number of teams was 14, Cardoza said, and this year they’ve added four more – packing the gym with parents, friends, and onlookers who want to catch a glimpse of the fast-paced high school action.
One Junior High team travels to Manteca from Tracy to take part in the league action.
“It makes me excited to see this getting back to the Boys and Girls Club basketball program that I remember growing up,” Cardoza said. “We’ve been working hard on returning our athletics programs back to the way that they used to be, and now that we’re seeing success in some of those areas, it’s generally exciting.
“Hopefully this is something that will continue for years to come.”
The Manteca Boys and Girls Club is located at 545 W. Alameda Street. For more information, call 239-5437.
But thanks to Program Director Jon Cardoza and partner Frankie Lopez, the basketball program that once featured teams that traveled throughout Northern California representing Manteca is well on its way to reclaiming its former glory one game at a time.
Getting to that point, however, isn’t going to be easy.
“Our goal is get this back to the way that it was, and I’m glad that I have a chance to be involved in this first as a member and a participant when I was younger and now helping run this program with Jon,” Lopez said. “We want to improve each and every year and make this what it once was.”
According to Cardoza, more than 90 high school students tried out for teams – including AAU and Internet sensation Kiwi Gardner who recently earned the Valley Oak League Most Valuable Player award for his performance at Manteca High School.
The previous high for the number of teams was 14, Cardoza said, and this year they’ve added four more – packing the gym with parents, friends, and onlookers who want to catch a glimpse of the fast-paced high school action.
One Junior High team travels to Manteca from Tracy to take part in the league action.
“It makes me excited to see this getting back to the Boys and Girls Club basketball program that I remember growing up,” Cardoza said. “We’ve been working hard on returning our athletics programs back to the way that they used to be, and now that we’re seeing success in some of those areas, it’s generally exciting.
“Hopefully this is something that will continue for years to come.”
The Manteca Boys and Girls Club is located at 545 W. Alameda Street. For more information, call 239-5437.