• WHAT: 2nd Saturday community outreach effort of Crossroads Grace Community Church
• MORE INFO: Go to or call 239-5566
Angie Ramey didn’t waste any time in mobilizing her troops to take to the Tidewater Bikeway in an effort to clean up the garbage left behind by the inconsiderate people who use one of Manteca’s crown jewels.
Outfitted in orange T-shirts signifying their relationship with Crossroads Grace Community Church, Ramey and her Tidewater soldiers showed up at the Northgate Drive entrance to the bikeway promptly at 9 a.m. – just one in a series of community outreach programs that the church sponsors on a monthly basis through its 2nd Saturday community outreach.
“We’re all about helping out where we can and with the city facing budget cuts, we’re happy to be able to pick up some of that slack so that people can enjoy this beautiful resource,” Ramey said. “We want people to know what we’re out here doing God’s work, and that’s really what this entire outreach effort is all about.”
And it doesn’t stop with cleaning up the trash along Manteca’s bicycling, jogging, and walking path that runs clear through the heart of the city.
While the orange-clad troops were embarking down their pathway, other Crossroads Grace groups were out helping single mothers, elderly people, and the handicapped – tackling all of the jobs in the name of the Lord.
For the team organizers, losing sight of the real reason for the undertaking isn’t an option.
“We’re all about sharing the word of God and following his word and his actions that highlighted doing good for other people and taking care of those who can’t take care of themselves. That’s what this is all about.”
Over at Raymus House – Manteca’s homeless shelter for single mothers and their children – a team from Crossroads Grace of equal size met up with team leader Gary Barton to trim the trees on the Union Road property and work on cleaning up some of the grounds of the homeless shelter.
For Anthony Villalobos, who was on his first ever weekend work expedition, participating was a chance to follow the word that was preached at a men’s retreat that he attended in Lodi just over a week ago.
“One of the highlights of that retreat was a verse from Luke – Chapter 12, Verse 48 which said ‘To whom much is given, much is expected,’” Villalobos said. “I’ve been fortunate in this economy to be able to keep my job, and this is a chance to be able to give back to the community and help those who haven’t been quite as fortunate. It’s a chance to follow God’s word.”
Outfitted in orange T-shirts signifying their relationship with Crossroads Grace Community Church, Ramey and her Tidewater soldiers showed up at the Northgate Drive entrance to the bikeway promptly at 9 a.m. – just one in a series of community outreach programs that the church sponsors on a monthly basis through its 2nd Saturday community outreach.
“We’re all about helping out where we can and with the city facing budget cuts, we’re happy to be able to pick up some of that slack so that people can enjoy this beautiful resource,” Ramey said. “We want people to know what we’re out here doing God’s work, and that’s really what this entire outreach effort is all about.”
And it doesn’t stop with cleaning up the trash along Manteca’s bicycling, jogging, and walking path that runs clear through the heart of the city.
While the orange-clad troops were embarking down their pathway, other Crossroads Grace groups were out helping single mothers, elderly people, and the handicapped – tackling all of the jobs in the name of the Lord.
For the team organizers, losing sight of the real reason for the undertaking isn’t an option.
“We’re all about sharing the word of God and following his word and his actions that highlighted doing good for other people and taking care of those who can’t take care of themselves. That’s what this is all about.”
Over at Raymus House – Manteca’s homeless shelter for single mothers and their children – a team from Crossroads Grace of equal size met up with team leader Gary Barton to trim the trees on the Union Road property and work on cleaning up some of the grounds of the homeless shelter.
For Anthony Villalobos, who was on his first ever weekend work expedition, participating was a chance to follow the word that was preached at a men’s retreat that he attended in Lodi just over a week ago.
“One of the highlights of that retreat was a verse from Luke – Chapter 12, Verse 48 which said ‘To whom much is given, much is expected,’” Villalobos said. “I’ve been fortunate in this economy to be able to keep my job, and this is a chance to be able to give back to the community and help those who haven’t been quite as fortunate. It’s a chance to follow God’s word.”