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Placeholder Image, Manteca Unified’s vocational charter school, will hold an open house Jan. 30 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The event is in conjunction with the national observance of School Choice Week 2014.

This is the first time, formerly known as MUVA (Manteca Unified Vocational Academy) is taking part in this nationwide celebration of educational school choice., which stands for Boundless Education “Beyond the Expected” is one of more than 5,000 individual events taking place throughout the country during the last month of October.

“It is important that our community understands that this independent public school charter is available to their students,” said Diane Medeiros, Manteca Adult School principal who is also in charge of the vocational school.

Opening just two years ago, started with the Culinary Arts School. It was then followed in August at the start of the 2013-2014 school year with the offering of Design and Fabrication. Next school year, a third program will be added aimed at training students to become first responders. is a two-year, tuition-free program which is open to junior high school students. The academy is open not just to students in the Manteca Unified School District but to any qualified students residing in San Joaquin County. became the new name of MUVA in December when the Board of Trustees approved the name change made by a selected committee which included input from MUVA students. The purpose of the name chance was not only to give a specific identity to the school programs being offered at the school district compound on West Yosemite Avenue, corner of Airport Way, like the vocational academy and the Manteca Adult School, but also to distinguish these classroom programs from the school district offices located at the same site.

During the Open House tour, visitors will be able to meet staff and tour the academy, and to enjoy desserts from the Café which will be open also during the event. The public is invited.

Manteca Unified School District is located at 2271 W. Louise Avenue.


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