Now more than ever a number of families and their children are relying on the Manteca Boys & Girls Club to help single parents be able to work during the pandemic.
Executive Director Jeanie Miller noted that with proper social distancing and other COVID-19 related measures in place have significantly reduced the club’s daily capacity, what space they do have is booked for the children of parents that have limited choices during the pandemic.
That includes a number who have no other alternatives for a safe option for their children so they can continue to work to support their families.
At the same time COVID-19 forced the club to change the format of its annual telethon that serves as its primary fundraiser.
“Even if there was a way to do the telethon with social distancing, the families we serve can ill afford to have the club shut down for a week while we do a fundraiser as their children would have no other options,” Miller said.
The telethon has been converted into Calling for Kids.
The club is relying on community volunteers through clubs, organizations and individuals to call on those who have supported the club in the past to see if they are able to help support programs for kids this year.
Each person that volunteers will receive a call list with 25 names. They can also call other people that they may know that might be interested in assisting. The volunteers fill out pledge cards for anyone who is willing to donate. They then return them to the club.
Several businesses have stepped up to donate gift cards and gift baskets that each person who returns a list and pledge cards will be entered into a drawing to possibly win.
To volunteer and secure a list or to make a direct domination contact Miller at 209-239-5331 during weekdays or email
To contact Dennis Wyatt, email