In-person instruction at Ripon High is scheduled to begin on Nov. 30.
"We're beyond excited to have students back on campus," said Principal Keith Rangel in Thursday's letter to families of RHS.
Students will have an extended time off with the fall break planned for the week of Thanksgiving.
Many will be stepping back on campus when sessions resumes with plenty of changes and safety precautions amid the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases.
Classes begin at 8:30 a.m. on that first day back.
Students will need to wear a mask throughout the school day.
They'll be required to complete and email the Student Prevention Protocol form along with having in tote their Chromebook or personal devices fully charged and ready to go.
Other safety measures include:
- All students and staff will have their temperature taken before entering campus buildings.
- Hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes will be available in every classroom and office.
- Additional handwashing stations were recently installed throughout campus. Students are encouraged to wash their hands as often as possible.
- All desks will be cleaned between periods.
- Student bathrooms will be disinfected a minimum of twice daily.
- At the end of each day, all classrooms will be disinfected with an electrostatic fogging machine.
Those opting to continue distance learning can so via a Zoom link provided by the classroom instructor. The distance learning component in this case will differ from that of the in-person instruction.
Students will be expected to log into all of their classes, using Zoom at the beginning of each period in order for the instructor to do roll call.
Distance learning students will receive their work using Google Classroom, which may be different from the one for the in-person sessions.
In addition, they'll be asked to keep the Chromebook cameras on to enhance student engagement.
For more information, log on to and click on to schools (Ripon High).