Ripon Christian Schools will soon expand.
The small fleet of buses are currently parked and maintained across the street from the main office at 435 Maple Ave.
Changes are ahead.
On Monday, the Ripon Planning Commission approved the local private school’s request for a use permit to convert a semi-developed 0.80-acre site – about 34,848 square feet – to a bus and maintenance facility.
Included is keeping the existing H-W Construction Co. Inc. metal shop building for general maintenance for the seven RC buses.
The on-site bus maintenance, according to RC Superintendent Eric Segaar, would be very minimal, with most of the work being limited to oil changes and tire rotations. Anything more would be contracted out.
RC is planning to construct a 100- by- 60- foot carport for bus fleet parking and storage. The majority of the site would be paved with either concrete or asphalt for the appropriate site circulation of vehicles, Planning Director Ken Zuidervaart said in his staff report.
Safety along the Highway 99 frontage road – the facility is located at 775 Frontage Rd. – was a concern among the Commissioners.
One of the caveats for the approval is getting police Chief Ed Ormonde to OK the proper safety signages along that area.
Other work will consist of the installation of curb, gutter, sidewalk and the hooking up to City utilities – part of that would be backflow prevention devices – coupled with putting in 15 percent drought-resistant landscaping, one street light and wrought iron fencing across the property frontage.
“The exterior of the existing building is meta siding, which is not anticipated to be modified in any way – however, the applicant may re-paint the shop to a different color,” Zuidervaart said.
The proposed carport for the buses would be constructed of metal and painted to match the color the shop building, he added.
“We’re continuing to grow,” Segaar said.