These are divisive times that we’re living in.
You can’t go anywhere without some sort of a reminder that America is a polarized place that seems to be getting more polarized by the day.
But every once in a while, you get a reminder that at the end of the day, we’re all just people and life would be a whole lot better if we would just help one another.
Friday morning my wife messaged me a photo that Manteca resident and former Manteca High football standout Anthony Lopez asked her to send to me – one that he took the night before at Manteca High’s freshman game.
According to Lopez, an elderly woman was struggling to make it out to her car with a heavy bag in her hand when a person – who turned out to be a Manteca High varsity football player – approached and asked if he could help.
Joshua Craighead, wearing his green home football jersey, didn’t know the woman, but that didn’t stop him from laughing and joking with her as they walked out to her car – connecting with her on a human level.
Fortunately, Lopez was there to capture the moment – the young, strapping player with a wide smile as he carries her bags down Garfield Street.
He didn’t need to do that.
I’m sure a lot of other people walked right past the woman and didn’t even think twice about lending a hand.
But Craighead did, and his momentary act of selflessness captured the attention of at least one Manteca resident, and has since started to make the social media rounds to capture the attention of a whole lot more.
See how it becomes infectious?
We all get caught up in the moment sometimes, and let the negativity that exists in the world consume us and determine our outlook and our attitude.
But sometimes it just takes a single Joshua Craighead to put everything into perspective – to provide the levity that can make everything else melt away.
Well done, young man. Well done indeed.
To contact reporter Jason Campbell email or call 209.249.3544.