Veterans Day is being observed Saturday in ceremonies planned in Manteca, Lathrop, and Ripon.
The locations are:
The Manteca Veterans Center on Moffat Boulevard Saturday at 11 a.m.
The Lathrop Veterans Memorial in Manuel Valverde Park Saturday at 11 a.m.
The Veterans Park in Ripon Saturday at 10:30 a.m.
Ripon veterans will be gathering in the Veterans Park and Museum at First and Locust streets near the long, black honor wall listing the names of those in Ripon who have served America. Special emphasis will be on the POWs and the MIAs from past conflicts.
The large stand-up POW, MIA banner being used at the ceremonies was a gift of Ed Ormonde who is Ripon’s police chief. Ormonde served in the U.S. Air Force. Retired Navy Captain Chuck Roots will be the speaker. The program is a joint effort of the Ripon American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts.
The Manteca VFW and Manteca American Legion posts are following tradition dating back to the end of World War I of honoring those who have served on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month when the armistice was signed. They will gather at the Manteca Veterans Center on Moffat Boulevard, according to VFW Commander Gary Colby who will offer a patriotic reading about the volunteer service of soldiers and their relation to the early Minute Men of the American Revolution.
The VFW Service Officer Shay Rosas is expected to address the post during the ceremonies. David Blanco, post chaplain, will give both invocation and benediction prayers in Manteca that will be followed by a traditional 21 gun salute along with the playing of Taps.
The Manteca veterans will host a hot dog and chicken lunch at the center. Ripon is offering a sit down luncheon at their post on West Ripon Road at Olive Avenue.
Lathrop is celebrating Veteran’s Day at Lathrop’s Veteran’s Day Ceremony on at Manuel Valverde Park, 15557 Fifth St.
This year’s guest speaker will be retired Army Major General Eldon P. Regua. The Lathrop School choir will also be performing and the Lathrop High School JROTC will provide the Posting of Colors.
The Veterans Day Committee is inviting all veterans, families and friends to attend. The Memorial is located near the Senior Center and adjacent to the parking lot.
For additional information, contact the City of Lathrop Parks & Recreation Department at (209) 941-7372.