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Next round of Measure G work starting in December
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Ground is targeted to break in December on the next round of Manteca Unified modernization projects funded by Measure G bond receipts.
The schools having health and safety issues corrected as well as being modernized are Manteca High, East Union, Nile Garden, and Neil Hafley.
Agreements are now being developed with the firms approved to do the work. Design teams have also been selected for the four campuses.
The first phase of design includes scoping work for Manteca High and East Union High. Several options for each campus will be explored before a final design concept is selected.
Work has already started on topographical surveys, hazardous material inspections, roofing inspections and utility surveys.
The second round of work presents challenges beyond what issues inspections may unearth such as undetected asbestos or additional plumbing and electrical issues.
Sluggish construction and low interest rates worked in favor of the district on the first round of modernization projects at Lathrop School, Shasta School, Lincoln School, Golden West School, and Sequoia Schools.
Since then demand for construction has picked up significantly as has the cost of materials.
Rising interest rates could also eat into how much work can be done in the next phase and subsequent phases.
While it might have made sense for the district to have sold the entire $159 million bond authorized by voters in November of 2014 when rates were lower, Manteca Unified could not legally have done so. That’s because a state law requires that bond proceeds must be spent on a project within three years of being sold.
In conjunction with the modernization effort, the district is looking to use non-bond money to increase capacity at Manteca High to accommodate growth as well as to add a class room wing at Lincoln school.

To contact Dennis Wyatt, email