Joan Garcia, affectionately known as “Granny” has worked primarily with families and school aged children throughout her career.
Now, in her retirement years she has channeled her energy into writing songs and stories from the heart for children ages 2 to 102.
The Stockton storyteller is appearing at the Saturday, Nov. 2, free Open Mic Night at 7 p.m. at Café Aroma, 1499 W. Yosemite Ave., Manteca. (Call 824-9978 for more information.
“Granny” has drawn upon the richness of her experience to create a bubbling fountain of little silly songs that allow the child in all of us to take joy in the simple things in life.
Using tales from memory, “Granny” pulls her audience into the private world of frogs, aardvarks, lizards, cats, children, and adult adventures. Granny has shared many of her tales in schools, Barnes and Noble, local bookstores, day-care centers, senior communities, with the disabled and poetry venues.
This Saturday night at Café Aroma “Granny” will weave journeys of the imagination through music. Her hope is to leave her pearls behind and encourage adults and children by adding joy and happiness to their lives through her stories and songs.