RIPON - Commemorating this Friday’s football game between Ripon’s two high schools – Ripon Christian and Ripon High – Clarence Smit Museum volunteer Connie Jorgensen has created a special corner at the front of the building to showcase letterman sweaters, jackets and cheerleading, song leader and majorettes’ attire.
Included in the display is an aerial photograph of the Ripon High stadium as it looked many years ago in contrast to the current restoration that has taken place with the help of many donations from the community.
Several of the jackets and some of the sweaters even have the names of the students who wore them to their classes and school events. One of the mannequins represents RHS song leader Diane Costa from the RHS class of 1974 who returned to Ripon after college to teach at the elementary school level.
A second mannequin in the display shows an RC cheerleader, Susan Schaapman, of the class 1981, now a staffer at Bethany Home in Ripon.
The Clarence Smit Museum is located on Ripon’s Main Street just east of Acacia Avenue and is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesdays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. Jorgensen welcomes groups who would like to see her display to contact her for an appointment at 599-6565 or 986-3186.
Jorgensen also welcomes donations of high school memorabilia from both high schools to add to the “Ripon Bowl” corner of the museum.
Ripon museum adds high school items in advance of Ripon Bowl