Sierra High School will induct five members into its inaugural Hall of Fame in the school library Sunday at 4 p.m.
Sierra High Vice Principal Greg Leland announced the five honorees Thursday as Rick Arucan, Mario Enriquez, Vern Gebhardt, Lindsey Pavao and David Ulibarri.
Leland said the school’s Hall of Fame honors individuals who have made significant contributions to Sierra High School and to their communities in a wide spectrum of areas.
Candidates were chosen from a field of outstanding scholars, leaders, educators, entertainers and athletes, Leland said. They may have achieved great success in their chosen careers or made notable contributions to their communities, he added.
It was decided the all-inclusive Hall of Fame would be selected from alumni, staff members, coaches, parents or members of the community, who have gone above and beyond in their dedication to Sierra High School and to its students.
Some of the inductees have lived all over the world, while others have chosen to spend their entire lives in Manteca – the town where they grew up and came to love and to serve for a lifetime, Leland explained.
The concept of a Hall of Fame was originally expected to only honor graduates when it was first conceived in 2000. The program never developed after a number of people associated with Sierra were approached for their input.
It was this year with the establishment of the SHS Leadership program that the Hall of Fame proposal was revisited, Leland said. The student committee of Mike Leland, Riley Cardoza and Trevor Nunes working with their vice principal and Athletics and Activities Director Anthony Chapman was lauded as the “perfect vehicle” for the formation of the all-inclusive Hall of Fame.
The candidates must have graduated from Sierra High or have worked at Sierra as an administrator, certificated or classified employee or have contributed significantly to the benefit of Sierra High School. The recipients must also have graduated or retired at least five years earlier, Leland noted. The candidates were required to have made noteworthy achievements or contributions to Sierra High School in their chosen field or to humanitarian causes.
Sierra High to induct five into inaugural Hall of Fame during ceremonies Sunday