Editor, Manteca Bulletin,
Clearly Mr. Barnhardt, you have little or no knowledge of my background or an understanding of my comments. (Monday’s letter: “Barnhardt: How care you Ben Cantu”) They were not assumptions or accusations, but observations from someone that has lived in this community for over 50 years, worked as the city planner in Manteca for over 30 years, prepared three previous general plan documents and ordinances in this community, and have an actual experience of the politics and management of our city government. I understand the implications of the General Plan and its structure and what it means to the future quality of life in this community.
I was reluctantly appointed as an “Alternate” by the mayor, for which I thank. But understand it was not easy for the mayor to make that appointment for he understands my background and that I have been outspoken for years on many issues and actions and lack of proper public services. I was able during the hearing to make certain that the “alternates” had the ability to participate in the update process on an equal basis to the “regular” appointees.
As for missing two meetings; I was absence because for the past four months I have had a severe medical problem that is now resolved. In that regard, I did review each of the general plan document sections that were distributed. And, let me assure you from experience that each meeting and workshop currently occurring is exactly (almost word for word) like each general plan update process from previous years.
By the way, except for the last two meetings I have attended each meeting from day one. And during those meetings I have been vocal and have expressed my views on the “process” and the importance of the General Plan (both literally and legally) and its conclusions.
Benjamin Cantu
GPAC Alternate Member
Cantu missed meetings due to medical issue