The Occupy Du Jour protestor was adamant.
It was unfair, she told the TV reporter, that she had gone to a four-year college and received a degree in anthropology and couldn’t find work.
It was unfair that others had more than she did.
And - for emphasis - she said the American system is unfair.
It must be pure hell to be part of the Trophy Generation.
They are the byproduct of society robbing them of resilience and common sense.
They were raised in a world where everyone is a winner.
They play in organized youth leagues where scores are not kept. Everyone gets equal playing time regardless of their abilities.
They may have been in a school that only gave “pass” and “incomplete” grades instead of letter grades. Can’t demean a kid, after all, with an “F” or make them feel bad because a classmate earned an “A”.
If they can’t cut college-level work their freshmen year they don’t get kicked out. They get to take remedial classes.
They were raised surrounded by things their parents took 30 years to earn. If they don’t get the same - and more - their first year out of college they whine life isn’t fair.
The Trophy Generation has elevated the victim mentality to new heights.
They don’t want a fair shot at the American Dream. Instead they demand the American Dream.
They rally against the fact they have debt, which they say isn’t fair. Yet they buy the newest $400 smart phone every 12 months.
They are right about being robbed. They just are mistaken about what has been taken.
Isolating them from adversity means growing up they were never forced to find out who they are or what they are capable of doing.
Everyone is a winner at everything. If they don’t master the sport or the task they still get a medal.
They have a right to pursue training for a discipline where a career is a fantasy for most such as anthropology. Instead of developing skills that make them employable in today’s world such as diesel mechanic jobs that are now going begging, they are pursuing their right as a member of a Trophy Generation to expect the world to come up with the jobs to match their desires.
It is a fantasy world. It’s not one where everyone is created equal with the opportunity to pursue dreams, to fail and to succeed but a world where everything is supposed to be equal from cradle to grave.
No one ever told them they had to fail in order to truly succeed. That’s because no one allowed them to fail until they were through with their education.
When the trophies stop coming, they start demanding them.
Listen closely to many of the Occupy Du Jour participants who appear on camera.
Their rights are superior to everyone else’s rights.
They don’t need to follow the law or civilized behavior because they don’t have the trophies that everyone else has as the result of persistence, failure, and dealing with trials and tribulations.
The good news is that the Trophy Generation isn’t all inclusive.
The majority of their peers understand hard work, compromise and delayed gratification are part of the deal whether they like it or not.
When success doesn’t come they don’t start screaming life is unfair and blaming society for failing them.
They do what generations of Americans did before them: Put their nose to the grindstone and do what it takes to better their lot in life.
You can bet that every trophy they’re received over the years they’ve earned whether it is an award, a car that runs, or a roof over their heads.
This column is the opinion of managing editor, Dennis Wyatt, and does not necessarily represent the opinion of The Bulletin or Morris Newspaper Corp. of CA. He can be contacted at or 209-249-3519.
Trophy Generation makes it loud & Clear: Life isnt fair

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