EDITOR’S NOTE: Susan McCreath has been selected to participate in the Year of You, a fitness challenge hosted by The Manteca Bulletin and CORE Athletic Performance. McCreath has kept a weekly journal, highlighting the strides and struggles of her fitness journey. These are her latest thoughts and feelings.
Day 333
I am probably the only person in the world that loves Mondays! Monday means that I am caught up on my chores and errands, I’ve had a good-night’s sleep and my food is ready and packed for the day. Monday for me means the calm before the storm, and I never know what storm is coming. But, at least I know that I eat right and control the things that I can control.
Day 334
Tomorrow we are having a school-wide potluck and I am signed up to bring a hot dish. I would have preferred to bring the fruit, but when you wait until the last minute to sign up you usually get left bringing the hot dish. I spent a lot of time trying to find a casserole or a crock pot dish that would be both appetizing and healthy. Believe it or not this is no easy task, especially when you are looking for a breakfast type dish. I ultimately decided on my good ol’ standby, a ham/hash brown/cheese dish. Loads of calories, easy to make and always the first dish that is empty!
Day 335
Without fail my high-calorie casserole dish was the first to be completely eaten – and I did not have any of it. I really tried to stick to the fruit and an egg dish, but by lunchtime the cookies had made their way onto my plate. I will say though that they were worth the calories.
Day 336
I spent a good portion of my time walking around classrooms today and I am not sure if I am amazed, astonished or horrified at the amount of candy and sugar I saw! A few classrooms were making gingerbread houses and there was definitely no shortage of goodies to place on the houses. Willy Wonka would’ve been proud. I was trying to think if there was a different way to make a gingerbread house, but carrots and celery just wouldn’t have the same affect!
Day 337
Another potluck in the office today. Another carb overload kind of day. I try to counter it by drinking tons of water, but all that seems to do today is make me feel even more bloated. Thankfully, this is the last day of work for two weeks. I tell myself that tomorrow is a new day, but right now I need to sleep a lot.
Day 338
Saturday morning and I start it off the right way by walking my dogs. Simple pleasures that I need to focus on more often. Work is done for this year, which makes me realize how fast not only the school year is going, but how fast this calendar year has gone.
Day 339
As part of a gift I received a pedometer. I have never used a pedometer before although I have always been curious about the amount of steps I take in a day. Experts tell you that you are supposed to log 10,000 steps per day. I probably should not have started wearing it on a lazy Sunday. Currently, I am at 2,160 steps – way short of the goal. It will be interesting to wear the pedometer to school and see how many steps I log on a typical day.
Connect with Susan McCreath and CORE Athletic Performance trainer Robert Iniguez on the Year of You Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/theyearofyouchallenge.