Editor’s Note: Susan McCreath has been selected to participate in the Year of You, a fitness challenge hosted by The Manteca Bulletin and CORE Athletic Performance. McCreath is keeping a weekly journal, highlighting the strides and struggles of her fitness journey. These are her thoughts and feelings shared with you.
Day 126
Memorial Day, it’s a day off from work, but also a time to remember those who have fought and died for our freedom. With a son overseas in the Air Force it brings even more meaning to the day. While on the topic of my son, he does not know that I am on this journey. At first I thought about telling him and sending him the articles so he could follow my progress, but decided against it. I then thought it would be fun to surprise him with my weight loss the next time I see him, but not real sure when that will happen either. Just this past week though I was texting with him and he told me that he had started running and that he was training for a half marathon that he will compete in on 9/11. I asked him what prompted him to do this and he stated that he was getting a little pudgy and he needed to take off some weight. That’s when I told him that I had started exercising and that I had lost over 20 pounds, but I did not tell him about this journey! I’m saving that conversation for another day. One of the reasons I started on this journey is because of how I looked and felt at his graduation from basic training. When I look at those pictures it makes me sad how far I let myself get out of shape. Thankfully I’m on the right track now.
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Day 127
Still on track eating wise, but missed my workout tonight due to a promotion ceremony at work. I think I did enough walking around campus though to make up for some of it.
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Day 128
Whew, that was one hard work out. I know it’s a hard workout when the ladies that are super in shape are having difficulty catching their breath and have that look of “I’m going to hurt someone if you say do one more burpee!” I was quite happy when the workout was over tonight!
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Day 129
Is the school year over yet? The parties were in full force today. It was like a progressive party; I just moved from room to room enjoying whatever was offered to me! It’s funny how people will ask me if I am going to write about it as they hand me a cookie!
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Day 130
Woohoo! The last day of school and what would be more fitting than a celebratory staff lunch at a local Mexican restaurant. I ordered the item called “the healthy burrito,” which gave us all a good laugh. It sounded good in theory, but not quite sure how healthy it actually was. Now that the students are gone from campus I am hoping that some sense of normalcy will return to my eating times and pattern.
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Day 131
I wanted to get out and enjoy the sunshine so I took a four-mile walk around town. I love walking and that is something that I miss doing, but I also realize that walking alone will not change my body the way it needs to be changed.
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Day 132
Started the morning off with another four-mile walk. Hopefully, the walk is enough to counter the hamburger (no bun) and ice cream cake (small slice) I had at my nephew’s birthday party tonight. I also vacuumed up a storm again this weekend and I just know that has to burn some calories!
Connect with Susan McCreath and CORE Athletic Performance trainer Robert Iniguez on the Year of You Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/theyearofyouchallenge.