Editor’s Note: Susan McCreath has been selected to participate in the Year of You, a fitness challenge hosted by The Manteca Bulletin and CORE Athletic Performance. McCreath is keeping a weekly journal, highlighting the strides and struggles of her fitness journey. These are her thoughts and feelings shared with you.
Day 86
Another day of volleyball and getting home late from Reno. I hate those days when you feel like all you’ve done is sit around and eat. Even though I ate healthy, it just seems like all I did today was sit around, nap, and eat.
Day 87
I came up with every excuse not to work out tonight: laundry was piled up, needed to go grocery shopping, just wanted to catch up around the house. I know I should’ve gone and worked out, but this is the story of my life – would’ve, could’ve, should’ve.
Day 88
Finally worked out today and it felt good. You would think I would learn how good I feel after working out, but that obviously doesn’t happen. I also wore a “new” dress ... that means one that is already in my closet that fits again!
Day 89
When I got home from work it was so beautiful out that I decided to take a walk instead of going to the gym. The guilt though is pretty overwhelming at times, but at least I enjoyed my walk and went four miles.
Day 90
The start of my four-day weekend. Why is it easier to stay in comfy clothes all day and relax than it is to go and workout? I did do a boatload of housework, but I’m sure that doesn’t count as a full workout. At least my eating is on track!
Day 91
Nothing like leaving the house at 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning for a volleyball tournament and not getting home till 9 at night. I hate eating breakfast so early because it makes me seem hungrier throughout the day. I was pretty good about my eating if you take out the dinner we had on the way home. I hate when good intentions don’t last too long!
Day 92
Easter. Need I say more?!?! At least I didn’t eat any chocolate candy, just a few jelly beans and spinach dip. I love spinach dip! The bad part of the spinach dip though is the bread … lots and lots of bread! That might have explained my extra-long nap this afternoon. Thank goodness tomorrow is Monday and some sense of routine should return!
Connect with Susan McCreath and CORE Athletic Performance trainer Robert Iniguez on the Year of You Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/theyearofyouchallenge.