The Manteca Rangers under-13 girls soccer team is headed to the Pacific Northwest to compete in the President’s Cup Regionals.
The Rangers will represent California in Snohomish, Wash.
To get there, the Rangers will need an assist from the community. To sponsor the club, visit The Rangers will also host a team yard sale at Mistlin Sports Park in Ripon on May 2.
Members of the team are: Annabella Castro; Daniella Torres; Isabella Cruz; Jennae Ramirez; Joselyn Herrera; Julia Ramos; Kaley Miller; Kayla DeAnda; Mari Huizar; Mia Traecy; Michaela Bitle; Nicole Gonzalez; Taylor Campbell; head coach Wil Ramirez; and coaches Elvis Rubio and Marcus Huizar.
Three players have been added to the President’s Cup roster: Aubree Pelon; Melissa Poncini; and Savannah Hudson.