MODESTO – There’s the mall.
It’s a shrine to consumerism and all of its glorious facets – food and fashion all conveniently packaged into one tightly choreographed space. And they even managed to get your technology to somehow embody those two tenets as well. An iPhone? Yes, it is undoubtedly beautiful. But it’s also used to help you find the nearest restaurant and how many Michelin stars it has.
But then there are the places off the beaten path – those that don’t necessarily go unnoticed, but go unnoticed by just enough people not to stand out in a crowd. These are the sorts of businesses that groups always say that communities need more of, but yet they’re out there operating in the wild and they are successful and happy being who they are and what it is that they do.
Here, for example, are a few of those hidden gems you might not know exist around Modesto:
Salty’s Record Attic,
1326 9th Street
For decades this has been where you went to find an obscure Bozz Skaggs album or that 45 that need to put the finishing touch on the Wurlitzer that you’ve been restoring. It’s always dark and while it’s organized, it’s done so in a record store kind of way – you have to know what you’re looking for, and that means the first trip always comes with the aimless wandering before you find your bearings. A lot of what you’ll find is well-preserved original vinyl, and in today’s market – with a resurgence in records – that means you’ll pay a hefty price. Pick wisely and you can spend a nice afternoon augmenting your growing collection.
Bonanza Books & Comics, 3408 McHenry Avenue
This place has been a destination for the comic book collectors since before Superman died the first time. And you get that feeling when you move between the aisles. On one side are all of the fresh books – the clean, bright ink that is just waiting to be placed in a bag and in front of a board for display. On the other are those that have spent their entire lives confined tightly to plastic – removed only to show the fading pages to friends. The experience is like time traveling, knowing how many years it has been since those fresh pages have been exposed to the air or seen by the naked eye. Comic book collectors are a lot all their own, and no place in Modesto does a better job at encapsulating it that Bonanza. Superhero movies have made a massive comeback and titles like The Walking Dead have shown that the obscure horror genre has its dedicated following as well. Find one you like and dive in.
Noah’s Hof Brau.
1131 J. Street
The traditional definition of a hofbrau is a cafeteria-style dining service that was made popular in the San Francisco Bay Area. Several restaurants in the Union Square area employ this tactic to feed their customers – Tad’s Steakhouse being one of them – but Noah’s took a distinctly alternative bend from the traditional German and American flavors that are most commonly found there. They went Chinese. For less than $10, you can get, according to some on Yelp, the best plate of Chinese Food anywhere in Stanislaus County – a place that has been serving up Mongolian beef, chicken and pork for decades. And it has built a steady and loyal following. More popular and swanky restaurants have popped up all around, but this joint still persists, even surviving a recent fire that kept it shuttered for several months while it was overhauled.
Crescent Work and
Outdoor, 801 8th Street
You technically need a reason to shop here. I’d think that the people who work here get a little annoyed when people keep walking through just to gaze. But that’s okay – when you operate a store that has tons of cool military surplus stuff you’re bound to attract a few lookie-loos. This place has it all. Want a keychain with a .50 Cal. round on it? They’ve got ‘em. Empty ammo containers? Surplus backpacks? Camo netting? Got it all. The sections ebbs and flows as things become available, but a few die hard staples remain. You can even get a realistic set of dog tags if that’s your thing, and they have realistic airsoft guns for those who are into the sport (yes, Airsoft is actually a sport). This isn’t exactly where you’re going to stockpile for the end of the world, but you can turn your den into a pretty cool military room with some of the stuff you’ll find here.
All it takes is venturing out into Modesto to find something fun and unique. Stray off of the beaten path. You’ll be glad you did.