STOCKTON - With 300 new cases of HIV infection occurring in San Joaquin County in the last year, it is more important than ever that the AIDSWalk of San Joaquin hosts its 16th annual event, “AIDS Walk on the Waterfront” on Saturday, May 1, at Banner Island allpark, home to the Stockton Ports Professional Baseball Club.
Early registration on the website, or at, is encouraged with check-in at 9 a.m. and the walk begins at 10 a.m.
The AIDS Walk is an opportunity for friends and family members to commemorate the lives of loved ones who have died of AIDS. Community members and businesses are also encouraged to show their support for AIDS awareness in San Joaquin County. We are currently recruiting individual walkers, teams and team captains, as well as corporate sponsorship of the event. In addition to the walk, there will be food, raffle, and other prizes.
AIDSWalk of San Joaquin was founded in 1993. Its Board of Directors was comprised of both individuals from the community as well as various HIV/AIDS organizations in the county. The goal of this event is to raise awareness and support to those whose lives are affected by HIV/AIDS. It is also about remembering those who have lost their battle with this disease.
Proceeds from this event are donated to HIV/AIDS agencies in San Joaquin County, including, but not limited to, San Joaquin County Public Health Community Services, Community Medical Centers, Inc., San Joaquin General Hospital Infectious Disease Clinic and San Joaquin AIDS Foundation. The donations distributed from AIDSWalk San Joaquin are used to provide aid to HIV/AIDS clients with food and transportation vouchers, help with basic living needs and assist with burial funds. AWSJ also collaborates with these sister agencies to raise public awareness about the epidemic with other annual events such as World AIDS Day in December and National Condom Week in February.
If you would like additional information, please contact AIDSWalk at (209) 608-WALK (9255) or register online at
Early registration on the website, or at, is encouraged with check-in at 9 a.m. and the walk begins at 10 a.m.
The AIDS Walk is an opportunity for friends and family members to commemorate the lives of loved ones who have died of AIDS. Community members and businesses are also encouraged to show their support for AIDS awareness in San Joaquin County. We are currently recruiting individual walkers, teams and team captains, as well as corporate sponsorship of the event. In addition to the walk, there will be food, raffle, and other prizes.
AIDSWalk of San Joaquin was founded in 1993. Its Board of Directors was comprised of both individuals from the community as well as various HIV/AIDS organizations in the county. The goal of this event is to raise awareness and support to those whose lives are affected by HIV/AIDS. It is also about remembering those who have lost their battle with this disease.
Proceeds from this event are donated to HIV/AIDS agencies in San Joaquin County, including, but not limited to, San Joaquin County Public Health Community Services, Community Medical Centers, Inc., San Joaquin General Hospital Infectious Disease Clinic and San Joaquin AIDS Foundation. The donations distributed from AIDSWalk San Joaquin are used to provide aid to HIV/AIDS clients with food and transportation vouchers, help with basic living needs and assist with burial funds. AWSJ also collaborates with these sister agencies to raise public awareness about the epidemic with other annual events such as World AIDS Day in December and National Condom Week in February.
If you would like additional information, please contact AIDSWalk at (209) 608-WALK (9255) or register online at