An 11-year-old sixth grader, Janita Ferrando, was successful in her own personal food drive for the Second Harvest Food Bank last weekend at the Li’l Buffs final season game at the Manteca High School stadium.
The event was also the homecoming for the youth football teams. Janita was selected as the JV “Princess” at the event.
Janita, a junior varsity cheerleader, and her parents printed fliers announcing her food drive and reached out further onto Craigslist and on Facebook. In addition to collecting food stuffs at the gates to the stadium, her Manteca Junior Buffaloes Board of Directors donated a portion of the gate receipts from some 700 fans to the effort. She will be presenting a check to the Food Bank next week in the amount of about $300.
She attends the Great Valley Academy on Button Avenue. Earlier when she attended Sequoia Elementary School she contributed to a blanket drive for the homeless and helped secure some 100 blankets.
Cheerleader scores food bank donations