RIPON – They’re the top classified employees at Ripon Unified for the 2011-12 school year.
Jeff Hardenbrook, Jennifer Herrema, Mickey DeSilveria, Kathryn Parades, Aline White, and Toni Williams were announced as Classified Employees of the Year at Monday’s school board meeting at the City of Ripon Council Chambers.
“Four of the six nominees were selected by the San Joaquin County Office of Education to represent our county in the statewide competition,” Superintendent Louise (Nan) Johnson said.
Earning that honor was DeSilveria, Parades, White and Williams.
Johnson described DeSilveria, who works in food service at Ripona Elementary School, as a “real team player.”
DeSilveria was honored in the area of Child Nutrition. “She knows what kids like and don’t like,” said Johnson.
Parades is the district’s attendance liaison. She earned recognition in Student Support Services and Security.
“She held this position at Ripon High for many years and is now with the district, working with families,” the RUSD superintendent said.
White is the library assistant at Ripon Elementary School selected as Paraprofessional or Instructional Assistant Classified Employee of the Year.
“She’s everywhere,” Johnson said. “She single-handedly led the fundraiser for new computers for the library.”
Williams received recognition for Transportation.
“She’s a regular bus driver who runs a tight ship. Toni has a constant eye for student safety,” Johnson added.
Meanwhile, Hardenbrook, who is the day custodian at Park View Elementary School, was honored in the area of Maintenance and Operation.
“The kids adore him,” Johnson said of Hardenbrook. “He takes pride of ownership in his work.
“A year ago, he filled in at the district office but was missed (at Park View).”
Herrema handles the registrar at Ripon High. She was honored in the area of Office and Clerical.
“Jennifer is the go-to person in the counseling office,” Johnson said.
The nominations were taken in each of the six areas exclusively for the “rank and file” employees.
All nominees are scheduled to be honored at a dinner at the SJCOE office on June 7.
Ripon Unified honors top classified employees