LATHROP – Very few warehousing centers are built in excess of 500,000 square feet.
Most are typically constructed by companies that already plan on moving into them once everything is completed. That plus the fact Lathrop owes its resurgence to a booming industrial sector that appreciates a location on California’s main north-south commerce route with easy Bay Area access makes the city a prime location for distribution.
It is why city leaders expect the 750,000-square-foot build-to-suit warehouse complex being marketed as the “I-5 Logistics Center” to be snapped up in no time.
On Monday the Lathrop City Council got an update on a handful of the more exciting commercial and industrial projects that are on the horizon – projects that will include the expansion of the USA Motors complex near the intersection of Harlan Road and I-5 and the CBC Steel expansion that is currently working its way through the design phase.
Elected officials are quick to point out that they’d like to see meetings between the corporate landowners who control the rights to the property that surrounds Target. It sounded on Monday like some progress might actually be underway in that respect. The Pegasus Projects, which now make up several of the old Tom Luckey properties that were never completed, are looking at a combination of residential and commercial property ideas.
The one thing that has hampered Lathrop in the past when it came to not being able to secure commercial business – rooftops – also could come about by the time the spring thaws out. Two new developments – De Nova Homes and Brookfield Homes – that are being built as part of the River Islands Master Planned Development just recently got the all-clear and are expected to have finished homes by winter’s end.
The council will continue to get periodic updates about new developments and progress at each of their future council meetings.
Lathrop pushing mega complex for distribution