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City: Inner City Action had correct insurance for shelter all along
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Inner City Action, it turns out, did have the correct insurance to operate an overnight homeless shelter on behalf of the City of Manteca.

Certificates and endorsements provided by Inner City Action from when they initially started operating the shelter in the parking lot of 555 Industrial Park Drive in December 2019, when they renewed the policy and later when they changed insurance companies show that the city was indeed covered.

In the email to the Bulletin, Inner  City noted,  “These are the same insurance documents the city has on file.  We even resent them yesterday after they claimed they couldn't find them because that employee no longer works there.“

On Wednesday, Interim City Manager Toni Lundgren confirmed Inner City Action sent the city copies of the same insurance coverage.

Lundgren noted when staff was asked about the insurance coverage, they indicated they did not have a copy of it. The staff in question is new while the person who handled the Inner City Action homeless shelter contract is no longer with the city.

The city has since found their copies of the insurance coverage.

Lundgren apologized for the confusion adding that she should have asked for a more thorough search of municipal documents before indicating there had been no coverage in place for using the  tent as an overnight shelter.

In an email Manteca mayoral candidate Lei Ann Larson sent to Lundgren on Sept. 12, she stated, “Saturday, I had my Meet and Greet at Library Park and was informed by the homeless they are unable to sleep at the 555 Industrial Park shelter. I confirmed with His Way that the information was correct, who informed me the problem was insurance.  I also understand the City allowed Inner City to operate a homeless shelter with insurance for a Revival Tent not an overnight shelter.  If that is true, the City was exposed to a significant risk if there was a fire or some other catastrophic event causing injury.  That was reckless and irresponsible.”

Lundgren in her email response to Larson did not address the insurance issue.

When asked by the Bulletin several days later about the insurance coverage question raised by Larson, Lundgren indicated that Inner City Action did not have the proper insurance nor did His Way.

Lundgren indicated Wednesday Inner City Action did have the property coverage and she erred in saying they did not.

His Way is in the process of obtaining the proper coverage to operate an overnight shelter and not just a homeless resource center. They are completing non-profit paperwork in order to qualify for such coverage.


Meet & greet Sept. 28

for Larson at Del Webb

A meet and greet is being conducted at the Woodbridge clubhouse on Wednesday, Sept. 28, from 5 to 8 p.m. for Lei Ann Larson who is running for the  Manteca mayor’s post in the Nov. 8 election

The gathering is for only members of the Del Webb community.

As an added note, in the last city election the Del Webb neighborhood had the highest voter turnout in Manteca.


To contact Dennis Wyatt, email