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Privacy fence receives OK for River Islands homes backing up to levee
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Residents in the Lakeside East district of River Islands that have homes that back up to the levee are about to have a whole lot more privacy.

In a special meeting last month, the Lathrop Planning Commission approved an architectural design change to the development that will allow for River Islands to install a 6-foot fence along the back of properties that abut the San Joaquin River levee – the top three feet of which will be latticed to allow for better visibility.

The location and design of the fence was developed in coordination with River Islands, city staff, and Lathrop Police Services as way of incorporating Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design components (CPTED) such as the lattice that allows for visibility and surveillance along the trail.

The current plans call for the fence to be installed at the top of the slope of the levee which will give homeowners with properties adjacent to the levees – which have been reinforced to provide even more than the 200-year flood protection mandated by the State of California – a more pleasing aesthetic to their backyards and removing any dead space between the properties and fenced off areas.

The existing fence is already located at the bottom of the interior levee, but the change to the existing architectural agreement will move the fence to the top of the interior side of the levee – giving homeowners more privacy while at the same time still allowing for them to see what is happening on the levee.

Everything between the recently-approved fence, when installed, and the home will be the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain.

The issue came to light when Lathrop city staff recently processed a residential development for Village S by Lennar Homes who had placed the fence in plans at the top of the levee as opposed to where it had been in previous developments along the same topography. When Lennar formally requested that the change be made, other entities such as the Stewart Tract Design Review Committee signed off on the change before it was forwarded to the planning commission for its consideration.

To contact reporter Jason Campbell email or call 209.249.3544.