The River Road Overlay could begin as soon as next month.
The project was part of the funding resolution under Senate Bill 1 “The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017” approved Tuesday by the Ripon City Council.
Cities are required to submit their project list to the California Transportation Commission in order to begin receiving funds from state’s Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account for the fiscal year 2022-23.
“The only requested change to the project list is that the River Road Overlay / Ripona Resurface Project be separated into two separate projects,” said Senior Civil Engineer Sarah Collins in her staff report.
She noted that there’s no negative impact to adding or keeping eligible projects on the list – additionally, projects not included on the list may also be funded with the same SB 1 funds as long they’re eligible within the program.
Staff can recommend updating the project list next year based on Council’s direction of priority projects.
The River Road project includes an asphalt overlay along with an isolated dig out and striping, from River Road at Jack Tone Road to North Ripon Road.
The other projects on the list are:
· Madsen resurface project – Estimated to start next year along Madsen Drive, Stuart Drive, Van Court, Sixth Street and surrounding areas. Work consists of applying a micro-slurry and asphalt rubber seal. All streets would have an isolated dig out, and repair sections and striping.
· Ripon Safe Routes to School Improvements (Second Street) – Possible start is 2024 along Second Street, from South Wilma Avenue to South Stockton Avenue, and North Acacia Avenue, from Highway 99 to Doak Boulevard. Another section is Prospect Avenue, from Frontage Road to Ripon Avenue coupled with the full length of Ripona Avenue. Work calls for the construction of Class II and Class III bikeways, nine curb extensions and 18 improved street crossings and the installation of one flashing beacon.