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Mantecan on SAG nomination committee
Extra work has bloomed into featured roles in big production movies for Jim Anderson who will begin shooting the Joe Talbot film The Last Black Man in San Francisco next month.

Two years ago, Jim Anderson was just proud to finally become a member of the Screen Actors Guild.
And now he’s busy sifting through the boxes of films and promotional materials that movie studios are sending him in order to make a decision as a part of the organization’s awards nomination committee – an honor, he said, that seems almost too good to be true.
The longtime movie buff – and current Sierra High School head freshman football coach – said that getting to play a small part in such a big event is something he never thought he’d have the chance to do.
“It was such a big deal to me to just be able to vote for the awards last year as a member, so when they sent me something asking if I wanted to be on the nomination committee, I literally couldn’t believe it,” said Anderson – who is also busy working with his band, Jim Anderson and the Rebels, on an album of new material in the studio. “I actually skipped the chance to go to the show last year, but I’m definitely going to be there this year – knowing I played a part in making those decisions is a tremendous honor, and it’s not something that I’m taking lightly or for granted.”
At first it was putting in for extra work that got Anderson interested in pursuing his lifelong dream of working as an actor, and with his trademark dedication he poured himself into every opportunity he could find – building relationships and opening doors along the way.
Upon earning his SAG card, the affable Anderson landed a role in a film that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, making the trip to Park City, Utah, and getting an inside glimpse into something he always thought he would be viewing from outside. That experience led to even more opportunities – he’s set to begin shooting another film in San Francisco next month – and while he’s taking each day as it comes, remains dedicated to riding this new wave of interest and success as far as it will possibly take him.
Anderson hasn’t determined whether he’ll attend a special screening of the Gary Oldman movie “Darkest Hour” this weekend in San Francisco – a film that is already generating Oscar buzz thanks to Oldman’s portrayal of Winston Churchill – where he would get the chance to interact with the longtime star and some of those responsible for making the picture.
Between the boxes that studios have been sending him at home – one of which, for the upcoming Noah Baumbach film “The Meyerowitz Stories” starring Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller and Dustin Hoffman, came in a folder that included a working screen that began playing when opened – and the locked-down videos that he’s been accessing online, Anderson has been busy working to make an informed decision on which entries are worthy of awards consideration.
But despite the packed schedule, don’t expect to hear Anderson complain anytime soon about how he’s been spending his time.
“The only way to truly capture how I feel about all of this is to say that I’m blessed,” he said. “I post these updates about this stuff on Facebook and I don’t ever say that I’m happy or I’m excited – I just say that I’m blessed.
“I’m doing what I love to do and it’s an amazing feeling and a tremendous gift.” 

To contact reporter Jason Campbell email or call 209.249.3544.