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Planning starts Thursday for Vietnam War memorial
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The Manteca Mural Society is inviting all veterans to gather Thursday, March 24, from 10 a.m. until noon at the American Legion Hall, 220 E. Yosemite Ave., to begin discussions about the upcoming Vietnam War mural.
The mural society is encouraging all local veterans, especially Vietnam War veterans, and the community to provide  feedback from them, to generate awareness of the important role played by veterans during the war, and to help establish guidelines for the upcoming mural. Those attending are asked to bring any photos they may have from that time period so they can be displayed and shared with the group.
uMore than 2.5 million Americans served in the war.
uThere are still over 1,600 U.S. soldiers missing in action. Efforts to identify remains are still ongoing.
uMore than 58,000 American veterans gave their lives in Vietnam. Over 300,000 were wounded.
uThere were 257 Medals of Honor were awarded during the Vietnam War including one to former Manteca High student and French Camp resident  Sammy Davis,
The mural society is currently raising the balance of the $25,000 needed to complete the Korean War Mural.
The Korean War Mural by Art Mortimer – he was commissioned to do the mural consisting of the Korean cold winters, an aircraft carrier, a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) unit, and a portrait of Alvin Mendes, a Korean veteran from Manteca who is still listed as missing in action – will be placed alongside the existing World War II and the Global War on Terror murals.
Dedication is scheduled for May 21.
The Vietnam veterans and World War I murals will complete the project.
Donations can be made by logging on to and using the PayPal link.
Checks are also accepted and can be sent to Manteca Mural Society, P.O. Box 1666, Manteca CA 95336.
For more information, call Charleen Carroll at 209.823.1386.