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A more effective, less expensive Delta plan
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It appears that there may be people on Gov. Jerry Brown’s staff who are keeping him from becoming aware of the consequences of pursuing the plan formerly endorsed by the Schwarzenegger administration. 

Governor Brown should met directly with John Herrick (South Delta Water Agency), Dante Nomellini (Central Delta Water Agency), and Dino Cortapassi.  They would make him aware that the plan now being pursued will cause the Delta to irreversibly become an open salty bay.  This would be a disaster for those who use water in and from the Delta.

They would also explain to the Governor why the Bay Delta Conservation Plan must be terminated.  That plan proposes to destroy Delta levees and cause flooding both in and beyond the reclamation districts. 

Furthermore, the Governor would become aware that if the peripheral canal or tunnels were abandoned it would save between five and fourteen billion dollars which could then be used to reduce the State’s debt.  A small fraction of that savings could also be used to implement the Delta Corridors Plan.  That plan would reconnect the San Joaquin River to the Bay.  San Joaquin River salmon smelts could again swim to the Bay.  Hundreds of thousands of tons of the salt that is imported by export operations now drains to the San Joaquin River and can’t flow on to the Bay.  The Delta Corridors Plan would take it to the Bay.

This meeting with the Governor should be scheduled as soon as possible.