I see a lot of anglers opting to wear flip flops while out fishing.
While I agree it’s probably a lot cooler than wearing any other shoe, I don’t plan on changing over to flip flops anytime soon. I’ve actually tried wearing flip flops several times and found that by the end of the day I always went back to my lightweight jogging shoes after a few hours.
On one occasion, while jumping from my boats trailer to the ground, I ended up landing on top of a small rock. Because I had flip flops on, the rock easily pierced through the bottom of the flip flop while bruising the bottom of my foot.
Flip flops, especially those without a heel strap, are extremely unstable. Step a wrong way or catch the front of the flip flop on the floor, and your sure to be tested for balance.
Flip flops also stretch the Achilles tendon more than normal because of the lack of heel support. A person is also prone to curl his or her toes more while wearing flip flops, all the while putting undue strain on the legs and tendons.
With that said, I still wear my flip fops around the house, but not while fishing. I could never get used to that unstable feeling and always choose proper footing over comfort, especially when out fishing.
Delta Report
Live bait is always hard to beat. Catfishing is always a sure bet, clams being the bait of choice for most. If you are in search of panfish it’s hard to beat a night crawler or red worm under a bobber.
Most Bluegills have just finished spawning so there are plenty of big ones up shallow. If you are after largemouth, the early morning and evening top-water bite on the Delta has brought many success.
Paralleling riprap banks with a buzz bait or tournament frog almost guarantee’s success.
New Melones Lake
Anglers are catching trout at night while fishing between 30 and 50 feet deep. What they’re doing is dropping a submersible light down to 20 feet and fishing 10 to 30 feet beneath it.
The Kokanee bite remains red hot for those fishing the right depths. Anglers are reporting that the Kokanee are being caught fairly shallow during the morning hour and between 45-80 feet deep during the mid day.
Bass fishing has been good for smaller fish on small plastics during the day and top-water lures early morning and right before sunset. Catfishing has been really good for night fishermen fishing just about anywhere on the lake.
Bluegill and Crappie are also cooperating as many anglers are doing well fishing the backs of coves with minnows or worms under a bobber.
Lake Don Pedro
Trout fishing is pretty good for anglers trolling around the dam. Anglers are catching them while trolling between 35 and 55 feet deep with Chucker T Lures.
Bass fishing is decent, as many anglers are having good luck while fishing the early morning hours with top-water poppers.
Lake Amador
Fishing has been tough lately on the lake for bigger bites. A lot of the fish being caught are being caught at night but most are less than three pounds.
During the day bigger fish are being caught on snag proof frogs but they are far and few. Bluegills are being caught by anglers while fishing off the bank or around the docks with red worms.
Lake Pardee
Anglers trolling for trout are doing fair while trolling early in the day. Most of the trout being caught are being found between 20 and 40 feet. Kokanee fishing remains good for those trolling between 50 and 70 feet deep.
Bass fishing has been pretty slow lately with a few bass being caught early and late in the day on swim baits and top-water baits. Catfish are being caught right now for those fishing the eastern shoreline of the lake while using chicken livers.
Lake Camanche
The catfish bite has been really good lately on the lake for those fishing with mackerel. Most of the fish being caught are found while fishing the main lake down to 20 feet deep.
Bass are being caught off shore, mainly around submerged islands. Anglers are using small robo worms and crawdad colored crank baits.
Tip of the Week
Certain knots will slip when using braided line. In fact, my first attempt at using braided line was miserable due to improper knots. Most braided lines come packaged with a diagram of recommended knots.
The Palomar Knot is a good one to start with and for a little extra security try adding a drop of super glue to the knot.
To contact Jarod Ballardo, e-mail jgbbass@yahoo.com.