Students, parents and teachers at McParland School on Northgate Drive have been alerted to a suspicious truck that has been seen near the campus on three occasions triggering fear for the safety of its students.
Principal Dale Borgeson said there were two incidents that occurred last Friday. One in which a man spoke to a third grade student near Primavera Park where he reportedly either offered him candy or wanted to take him any place he wanted to go in his truck.
Borgeson said a friend on a bike was concerned over the situation and rode ahead to get the boy’s little sister on the sidewalk and get her away from the scene. The principal said the boy rode his bike back to his friend who had been talked to by the stranger – gave him his bike – and ran behind him down the street.
A second incident occurred Friday afternoon near Chadwick Park also near McParland School but there was no interaction with students, the principal said.
The school first learned about the event when one of the youths and his mother went to the office Monday morning to report what the parent felt could have been an attempted abduction. Police were then called, Borgeson said.
Tuesday morning two seventh-grade girls who had learned about the Friday incident reported having seen the truck drive by the school a couple of times.
Borgeson said he made an “all call” to parents Tuesday night explaining the series of events making them totally aware of the situation. He said he asked the parents to please review with their children the proper responses and actions to take when approached by a stranger.
The truck has been described as an older, dark green, extended cab pickup truck being either a Chevy or a GMC. The suspect is said to be between 35 and 40 with a dark mustache and slicked back hair. He is also partially balding, according to a police report.
The principal and the vice principal have been patrolling on and near the campus before and after school looking for anyone suspicious.
“Safety has to be in the forefront of our minds,” Borgeson said. “The vice principal and I are out overseeing things 90 percent of the time.”
There was also an unconfirmed report that a freshman girl at Sierra High School had been grabbed by the arm by a man on Wednesday. A green truck was said to have been in the area. McParland parents have been using Facebook to communicate on the seriousness of the individual seen near the school.
Crime Stoppers is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for any information leading to the arrest of the individual if in fact he has committed a crime. To remain anonymous in reporting information, call 823-4636.
Suspicious truck sightings around McParland School