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A few ways to improve your life & Ripon as well
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Ripon is such a fun community to live and work in and I am always grateful that my husband and I moved here more than 10 years ago. One of the things that make it special is the friendly business community here. For the past 8 years I have had the privilege of being a Director on the Chamber Board. 

Being a self-employed Realtor I know firsthand how difficult it can be to run a successful business and our recent economic climate has not made it any easier.  In spite of that many courageous citizens have decided to invest in our community by putting their financial necks on the line and opening a business in Ripon.  Most of us understand what it costs to get started and just how much sacrifice and dedication are required to hang in there long enough to make a go of it.  Studies show that if a business can make it through the first 3 years they have a good chance of actually being successful. 

I am bringing this up because we are all Chamber members and we all joined the Chamber for the mutual benefit of our businesses.  The role of the Chamber is to be an organization that supports its members and provides resources. One of the resources that our chamber provides is the Communicator which is a platform to communicate about something of value to the members.  What could be more valuable to all of the members than our commitment to support one another in our endeavors. I want to challenge all of us to utilize the services and shop in the businesses that are local to our community.  To participate in the events that go on in support of all of us.  Below is a list of suggestions.

1. Shop in RIPON.......  There are gift stores and home stores and clothing stores, boutiques, flower shops, medical offices, restaurants, auto shops, drug stores, insurance services, salons, barbershops, coffee shops, banks, dry cleaning, nail shops, pet grooming, veterinary services, lenders and MUCH MORE!

2. Attend a  Chamber Mixer or Morning Coffee. We have 1 or 2 a month and they are a great way to meet people and they are one of the best ways business people can support each other.  Imagine you opened a new business, hosted a mixer and no came?

3. Participate/attend in events sponsored by the Chamber.  The Chamber sponsors Taste of Ripon, Almond Blossom Festival, Main Street Days, Meet the Candidates night and many other educational events throughout the year that benefit YOU, but only if you attend or participate.

4. Volunteer in your community.....we are all busy, but if many do a little a lot gets done and there is still plenty of time.  Volunteering is a great way to network and promote your business while doing a good service.  Professional business people have skills and abilities that are very much in need.

5. Join other service clubs and organizations Rotary, Soroptomist, Lions Club, Garden Club, VFW & Quarterback Club are only a few local philanthropic clubs that would welcome your participation.  The funds they raise and services they provide directly benefit all of us in Ripon.

Hopefully, you can find something on this list to commit to.  By doing any one of the suggestions mentioned above on a consistent basis you can be certain that your own life will improve ....and as a bonus the lives of others right here in the Ripon Community.