If you can everything about a community by how well they take care of their seniors then Lathrop deserves an award.
While it’s not uncommon for local communities where seniors can assemble and socialize, Lathrop takes the extra step of partnering with local organizations to help provide assistance with things like food – providing a pair of programs that help augment what is in the cupboard at least three times a month.
And the programs have support.
According to Linda Rose, who runs the Senior Brown Bag and commodities program at the Lathrop Senior Center, people are active and engaged and appreciative of the services are provided.
“There are some new people there and they’re really working at providing things for the seniors,” said Rose. “That new influx has stimulated the center and when you go down there you see people playing games or having a bowling tournament on the Wii – it’s good to see.”
Regular activities, Rose said, include weekly bingo and twice-a-week Bunko games in addition to the cards and board games that are always popular.
Those looking for a little bit more activity have been taking advantage of a dance class on Tuesdays and Thursdays that Rose says is the “best exercise” for seniors.
“It’s one of those things that makes you count and makes you think and keeps you up and moving,” she said. “Everybody seems to be having a good time and it’s a lot fun – it’s something that’s stimulating.”
And everything is better with ice cream.
A weekly summer social has helped swell attendance, and the more that people see there’s something there for seniors to enjoy, Rose said, the more people that will take advantage of the things that are offered.
“Almost everything that’s there is available at no charge and it’s a great place for people to meet,” Rose said. “I think that is why it is so popular.”
The Senior Brown Bag Program, which provides groceries to seniors on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 9 a.m., costs only $12 for the entire year. The commodities program, which provides groceries on the third Thursday of the month at 9 a.m., is open to anybody who wishes to signup and does cost a yearly fee. Both programs are augmented by the Second Harvest Food Bank.
The Lathrop Senior Center is located at 15707 5th Street, and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The facility is managed by Chris Lawrence through the City of Lathrop’s Parks and Recreation Department. For additional information call 209.941.7380.
To contact reporter Jason Campbell email jcampbell@mantecabulletin.com or call 209.249.3544.
Lathrop takes care of their seniors with various programs