Give Every Child A Chance (GECAC) After School Advantage Programs (ASAP) is is looking forward to enhancing each student’s educational experience when the school year starts next month.
We will continue to work hand in hand with our schools to ensure that the majority of all activities in the ASAP are aligned with the regular school day. We believe if we incorporate what the students have learned in school within ASAP, it will help our students be better engaged throughout the regular school day. With the introduction of new curriculums like Project Learning Tree and Media Smart, students will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and gain new interests in the process. Next year we also plan on expanding the technology we have available. Last year the students enjoyed using the site lap tops, and in some cases, iPads. To best utilize this technology and spark an excitement within our students, we will be using curriculums like Media Smart.
GECAC plays an important role in helping students succeed in school. Keeping students safe, taking an active interest in helping students further their education, and being able to build strong, lasting relationships are just a few ways GECAC can improve the life of your child. Give your child the extra advantage of becoming part of a great 2012-2013 after school program! Registration is now open at the following elementary schools:
•Manteca Unified: August Knodt, French Camp, George Komure, Golden West, Great Valley, Lathrop, •Ripon: Ripon El.
•Banta: Banta Elementary
•Escalon: El Portal Middle School.