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$14,587 worth of property stolen every 24 hours in ‘18

Every 24 hours in 2018 property valued at $14,587 was stolen in Manteca.

The value of stolen items was up 12.39 percent in 2018 reaching $5,324,421. It’s only the second time stolen property in a given year in Manteca has topped the $5 million mark. The last time that happened was in 2011 when a record $5,890,608 worth of property was stolen.

Manteca Police last year recovered 42.25 percent of all property stolen for a recovered value of $2,249,751.

The financial impact on crime is part of the statistics contained in the Manteca Police Department recap of the city’s 2018 crime.

Based on crime per 1,000 residents, 2018 saw an increase in criminal activity in Manteca. There were 864 burglaries or 10.6 burglaries per 1,000 residents and 2,167 or 26.7 felonies per thousand residents. The 2017 numbers were 807 burglaries or 10.2 burglaries per 1,000 residents and 1,969 felonies or 24.9 felonies per 1,000 residents.

The crime per 1,000 takes into account population growth to put numeric increases or decreases into perspective for an apple to apple comparison in terms of overall burglaries and felonies. It is the matrix the FBI uses to determine crime rates and the relative safety of communities.

On a per 1,000 basis the 2018 crime level was a virtual carbon copy of 2015.

Crime in Manteca peaked in 2011 when the city had 69,246 residents compared to 81,450 residents in 2018. That year there were 15.7 burglaries and 30.2 felonies per 1,000 residents.

The crime rate dropped steadily until 2016 when it went up before dropping back down in 2017 and then inching up last year.

Highlights from the 2018 Manteca crime report:

There were no homicides compared to 5 in 2017.

Aggravated assault was up 6.31 percent going from 111 to 118.

Residential burglaries were down 6.32 percent going from 174 to 163.

Commercial burglaries are up 52.83 percent going from 106 to 162.

Robberies (stealing by force or use of a weapon) are up 8.99 percent going from 89 to 97.

Vehicle thefts are up 18.32 percent going from 322 to 381 but way below the record of 798 recorded in 2005 when  2.18 vehicles were stolen every 24 hours compared to 1.04 in 2018.

Narcotics offenses are up 30.05 percent going from 183 to 238.

Alcohol offenses are up 6.2 percent going from 342 to 257.

Pursuits were up 111.1 percent going from 18 to 38.

Use of force was up 11.76 percent going from 17 to 19.

Service requests were up 9.95 percent going from 2,448 to 2,612.

To contact Dennis Wyatt, email