Gov. Jerry Brown's budget proposes $8.3 billion in spending cuts for the fiscal year that begins July 1, as well as tax revenue he hopes to generate from his proposed temporary increases in the sales tax and income taxes on the wealthy. The cuts Brown proposed include:
Health and Human Services:
— $1.2 billion in cuts to Medi-Cal, California's health care program, for the poor by merging service delivery for those who are eligible for both Medi-Cal and Medicare, reducing payments to hospitals and foregoing an increase for nursing homes.
— $880 million in cuts to CalWORKs, the state's main welfare program, by reducing assistance to families who are not meeting work requirements.
— $225 million in cuts to In-Home Supportive Services by applying a 7 percent across-the-board reduction in service hours.
— $161 million in cuts to other health and human services programs.
— $1.5 billion in cuts and delays to education funding under Proposition 98. The effects would vary by school district.
— $453 million in cuts to state-funded child care programs by reducing assistance to families who are not meeting work requirements.
— $292 million in cuts to the Cal Grant student loan program by reducing grants for students attending private colleges and other cuts.
— $64 million in other education funding cuts.
Other reductions:
— $1.4 billion in transferring community redevelopment assets to cities, counties and school districts to offset state payments.
— $828 million in repealing or suspending many state mandates on local governments that Brown believes are unnecessary and burdensome.
— $544 million in reducing court system funding, although the Judicial Council would be able to tap reserves.
— $402 million in reducing 5 percent of state employee pay by moving to a four-day workweek.
The governor proposed another $6 billion in so-called trigger cuts that would take effect on Jan. 1, 2013, if voters do not approve his tax initiative on the November ballot. Some of those additional cuts include:
— Another $5.5 billion in education funding, which is equivalent to three weeks of school.
— $250 million each to the University of California and California State University systems.
— $50 million to the Department of Developmental Services.
— $10.6 million to local water safety patrol.
— $10 million to the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
— $6.6 million to flood control programs.
— $2.5 million to non-warden Department of Fish and Game programs.
— $1.4 million to park lifeguards.
— $1 million to game wardens.
— $1 million to Department of Justice.
— $100,000 to park rangers.
Source: California Department of Finance.