Manteca Sunrise Kiwanis will be conducting their 3rd Annual “Community Night of Giving” at the Manteca Senior Center from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 9.
The service club will distribute $41,900 to local groups and organizations exceeding the amount of $28,450 from 2016. When added to what has previously been distributed this year, this will bring the total to $53,422 which also exceeds last year’s total of $40,800.
The bulk of the money is raised from the annual Pumpkin Fair the Sunrise Kiwanis host each year in downtown Manteca.
The Manteca Sunrise Kiwanis has been providing community service and funding to local organizations since 1980. Some of their service includes the Manteca Pumpkin Fair, monthly Birthday Buddies at Raymus House, high school scholarships, Bike Trail Clean-up, Thanksgiving Dinner, Annual Pork/Rib Feed, Veterans Dinner, Manteca 4th of July Parade, and various events throughout the year.
This year’s recipients include: VFW Post 6311, Senior Center, Kiwanis International Foundation, Manteca Prayer Breakfast, Boys & Girls Club, Kids Don’t Float, Native Directions, USMC Charles Palmer Support Program, Hope Ministries, Raymus House, Boy Scout Troop 432, Manteca Police Explorers, Give Every Child A Chance, CERT, Dream Closet, Kiwanis Family House, Manteca Noon Kiwanis, Manteca Youth Focus, Every 15 Minutes, Not Forgotten-Memorial Day Event, Second Harvest Food Bank, SHARP, Special Day on the Farm, Thanksgiving in Manteca, East Union Sober Grad, East Union Band Boosters, East Union JROTC, Sierra High Sober Grad, Kiwanis Eliminate Program, Agape Villages, Great Valley Bookfest, Hospice of San Joaquin, Manteca Rotary, Valley Caps, America Legion, Fun Club, Be.TECH, American Cancer Association-Relay for Life, Kiwanis Rose Float, Historical Society, High School Scholarships, and Birthday Buddies.
Over $600,000 has been donated over the years and another estimated $300,000 raised by the various groups through the Annual Pumpkin Fair.
Kiwanis International started in 1915 in Detroit Michigan and has grown to over 16,000 clubs in 80 nations with an average of over 18 million volunteer hours and over $100 million going toward projects in their local communities annually. Overall Kiwanis members participate in nearly 150,000 projects per year.
For those wishing to attend the “Community Night of Giving”, please RSVP to Terry Malloy at 209.825.5826 or
Light refreshments will be served.
Sunrise Kiwanis giving $41,900 to non-profits