Editor’s Note: Susan McCreath has been selected to participate in the Year of You, a fitness challenge hosted by The Manteca Bulletin and CORE Athletic Performance. McCreath is keeping a weekly journal, highlighting the strides and struggles of her fitness journey. These are her thoughts and feelings shared with you.
Day 98
I can’t believe it is Monday again. Thank goodness though because Mondays are my best day in terms of eating clean and exercising. I don’t know why I am so committed on Mondays as opposed to other days ... beginning of the week, fresh start, my meals are planned out for the day?!?! Just wishing I could clone Monday and all would be good.
Day 99
Somehow I forgot to take my lunch to work today ... and then somehow my car ended up in the drive thru ordering a hamburger! I really don’t even like hamburgers, but I couldn’t figure out what else to eat so the deed is done. And boy did it hurt my stomach!
Day 100
Wow, 100 days! I am at a crossroads. I am excited for all the weight and inches I have lost, but deep down I know that I could be exerting more effort on this journey. Sometimes I wonder what if I never cheated on my food and exercise. How much more weight and inches would I have lost by now? But I am happy that I have at least embarked on this journey and I am making progress. Just think, if I lose 20 pounds in the next 100 days then I will be down 40 pounds total. That sounds like a good goal to me!
Day 101
Why am I struggling with bringing my lunch to work this week? I have all of the right food at home, but am just being lazy and not packing it and bringing it with me. Then I regret it at lunchtime when I am faced with making too many choices, and lately the choices have not been good ones!
Day 102
I ran into some former coworkers who have not seen me in about a year and it was nice to see how they just stared at my face and told me how they could totally tell that I had lost weight, especially in my face. My husband tells me that all the time, too, that my face is looking different and healthier. Guess that’s a good sign.
Day 103
My strategy on the weekend is to sleep in super late. Therefore, I don’t have to eat as many meals and snacks because there are less waking moments. Someone needs to market this as a weight-loss fad. I did consume fewer calories though today because of sleeping in!
Day 104
It is amazing how much better a home grilled turkey burger taste than a drive thru hamburger! Topped with tomato, avocado, and onion it is amazingly healthy, tasty and filling! Why can’t they have these in the drive thru?
Connect with Susan McCreath and CORE Athletic Performance trainer Robert Iniguez on the Year of You Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/theyearofyouchallenge.