Kids looking for the perfect way to spend their summer in Turlock will not have to look further than city limits.
Turlock’s Carnegie Arts Center will be offering a number of summer Art Explorer Camps, with subjects ranging from worldly art to dragons to tie-dye creations, as well as a course specifically designed for teens.
“Our summer art camps provide a week of activity for children that focus on a theme,” said director Lisa McDermott. “We use topics like ‘Critters & Creatures’ or ‘Art Around the World’ so that the teachers can explore all kinds of artistic media and styles.”
Starting as early as June 15, aspiring artists from age six to nine will get the opportunity to draw, paint, and even sculpt their favorite real and imaginary creatures. The camp, “Critters & Creatures”, will allow students to portray a number of creatures, including lions, tigers, and dragons, through art.
The weeklong camp is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. from June 15 to June 19 and will be taught by Kathy Thomas. Registration for the course costs $125.
Artists from age eight to 12 will also have the opportunity to explore peace, love, and art in a “hippie-themed” art camp at the Carnegie, with art encompassing tie-dye, macaramé, batik, and other groovy art forms from the 1960s and 1970s.
Also under the guidance of Thomas, the “Peace, Love, & Art” camp will take place from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. from July 6 to July 10. Registration for this camp costs $135 and will include a t-shirt for tie-dye activities.
Chelsea Gilmore will take ambitious artists from age nine to 14 on a masterpiece-filled journey, encompassing the likes of Matisse, Monet, and Michelangelo. After they explore both the style and famous works of master artists, students will hone in on this inspiration to create masterpieces of their own.
Taking place concurrently with Gilmore’s masterpiece lesson, Thomas will also figuratively transport students from age seven to ten around the globe in the “Art Around the World” camp. Taking full advantage of their imagination, artists will explore different cultures and geography to create exciting and fun art projects.
Both camps are scheduled from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. from July 27 to July 31. Registration for both courses costs $125.
“The students take home a variety of projects they’ve worked on during the week, including paintings, sculptures, mixed media pieces and more,” said McDermott.
Another form of art—dance—will be incorporated into the Carnegie Arts Center’s “Moving Teens Forward” course for pre-teens and teens from age 12 to 18. Over the course of eight class sessions, the program will empower students with the knowledge they need to live a healthy life.
Students will not only use dance to learn more about healthy living throughout the program, but also improvisational exercises, relaxation activities, and journaling under the guidance of Tami Stark-McQueen.
Through the course, students will learn more about self-confidence, health weight loss and maintenance, positive self-esteem and body image, increased physical and mental strength, and healthy relationships.
“Moving Teens Forward” will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June 4 to June 30. Registration costs $200.
The Carnegie Arts Center is located at 250 N. Broadway in Turlock. For more information on how to register online, visit
To register in person, visit the Carnegie Arts Center office Wednesday through Sunday between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. The office can accept cash, checks, or credit card.