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Breitenbucher has made a career of giving back
letter to editor

Editor, Manteca Bulletin,

When you measure a man’s character base it upon his action not upon his word. Retired Manteca Fire Department Captain Dave Breitenbucher has tirelessly given to the community we all call home. 

He has quietly provided for the safety, security and the lifestyle many of us enjoy. Do you know he helped a mom deliver a baby while serving as a Manteca firefighter! 

Dave is Dave, what you see is who he is. He listens, he makes you feel at ease, he follows through on his commitments, he makes decisions and he does it because he cares, not because it profits his business, ego, or political aspirations. Retired Captain Breitenbucher has served on many local nonprofit boards, such as, Give Every Child a Chance, Agape Village, Manteca Ambulance, as well as serving honorably in his appointment to the Manteca Parks & Recreation Commission. 

Dave’s passion for serving Manteca goes beyond sitting on boards, Coach Breitenbucher has been a swim coach for the Manteca Dolphins, Manteca High School and Sierra High School plus a US Masters Swim Coach.  Dave Breitenbucher cares about you, your family and the city of Manteca. He has made a career of giving back, now it’s time to vote him in. We need Dave Breitenbucher on the Manteca City Council.


Vince & Risa Hernandez
