A parade, aerial fireworks, and a pancake breakfast are the community events planned to celebrate July Fourth this year in Manteca.
The Sunrise Kiwanis Independence Day parade is themed “Freedom Isn’t Free.”
It is one of the many community project that the service organization’s annual Pumpkin Fair in downtown Manteca makes possible.
The parade check-in and staging area will be at North Main Street and Jason Avenue between Rite Aid and Fagundes Meats. Staging will begin at 8 a.m.. The parade will start promptly at 10 a.m. The route is down Main Street to Center Street where it turns west and ends at Library Park.
Manteca Noon Kiwanis will once again serve their Pancake Breakfast at Angelano’s from 7 to 11 a.m. The restaurant is conveniently located at the parade staging area.
The City of Manteca will launch aerial fireworks on the Fourth of July on city property just north of the Big League Dreams sports complex starting at 9:45 p.m.
Fireworks can be viewed from inside the BLD complex where gates open at 7 p.m. There is a $2 admission.
Suggested free viewing sites include Bella Vista Park, Dutra Estates Park, Dutra Estates Mini Park, Dutra Southeast Park, Kevin O’Neill Park, and Robert Estates Park.
Fireworks, parade & pancakes today