Dutch Bros will be the newest addition to the SaveMart Shopping Center.
The Ripon Planning Commission on Monday paved the way by approving a major site permit to construct a new 862-square-foot coffee place at 1220 W. Colony Road. "As part of the conditions of approval, the applicant will be required to modify / improve the existing left turn pocket on Colony Road," said Planning Director Ken Zuidervaart, who described the existing turn pocket as a bit tight per design, hence, the improvements.
Dutch Bros Coffee will be located opposite of the main tenant, Save Mart, and with about 370 feet of stacking space available for the drive-thru window to accommodate up to 17 vehicles in the dedicated queuing lane coupled with a bypass lane for six additional vehicles, if needed, and an overflow stacking area for eight more cars.
One of the keys to the operation will be the runner system. "Dutch Bros Coffee employees travel from vehicle to vehicle to greet customers and take orders," said Zuidervaart.
In this case, the runners can help complete the drink orders by attending to customers in line prior to reaching the window. This increases the speed of service, allowing customers to exit via an escape lane. The other part of the system is the line buster — this is the person taking orders and payment in line for all cars, with the purpose of closing gaps in the line of vehicles while ensuring proper traffic flow.
As for the actual structure, Zuidervaart indicated that the exterior appears to be a mixture of stucco, fiber cement siding and stone veneer with a flat roof accented with trim around the perimeter. Canopy awnings are provided over all entrances and service doors, including a 200-foot canopy over the customer walk-up service window to provide weather protection.
Dutch Bros Coffee has locations in Manteca and Lathrop currently under construction. The Oakdale site used an existing drive-thru coffee business and inherited much of the traffic woes.
Commissioners are comfortable enough with traffic at the Save Mart Shopping Center site being manageable.
"We are unanimously excited about Dutch Bros Coffee coming to Ripon," Chairman David Collins said.