For past 27 years, Earth Day has been a major event in Stockton.
This occasion is marked with an annual festival, which has become the premiere environmental event in San Joaquin County.
The Earth Day Festival is Sunday, April 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Victory Park, directly behind Haggin Museum, 1201 N. Pershing Ave.
This year’s theme is “Bee Aware…”
Those attending this admission-free event can become aware of bees and the impact of their actions to the environment.
“Bees and other pollinators, essential for two-thirds of food crops humans eat every day, are in great peril, and populations are dwindling worldwide. Pests, diseases, loss of forage and changing climate have all been identified as possible contributing factors to global bee losses,” said Friends of the Earth @
According to organizers, the focus of the festival is to “educate (people) about taking care of our natural resources – the earth, air and water.
“With global warming, conservation and other environmental issues taking a spotlight in the world these days, we expect a crowd hungry and eager to learn how to take care of their environment.”
The festival will be over 100 vendors – also feature dozens of informative, interactive booths, displays and exhibits as well as food and exotic crafts with – with thousands expected to be in attendance.
Look for hundreds of cyclists will bike around the neighborhood as part of the Family Fun Bike and Parade, beginning at 10:30 a.m. It’s here that children and adults are encouraged to sport their wildest environmental look while riding their bikes.
In addition, the Earth Day Parade will feature a Drum Circle during the traditional closing of the event.
Other live entertainment for that day includes:
• Hardly Deadly (jam and rock), 11 to 11:55 a.m.
• Los Dazante Del Puerto (Folklorico dance troupe), noon to 12:25 p.m.
• Brubeck Institute Jazz Quintet, 12:30 to 1:30.
• Simple Creation (Pop / Reggae), 1:50 to 2:40.
• Kara Mogow African drums and dance group, 2:45 to 3:10.
• Washboard Monkeys (bluegrass), 3:10 to 4.
As always, some of the local schools will be on hand to provide information on taking care of the earth using a variety of hands-on activities.
Environmental organizations will do likewise, delving into important issues while encouraging folks to step in and do their part to make a difference.
As for community agencies, they’ll give tips on healthier, more positive life, and green business options for home and the workplace.
The Gospel Center Rescue Mission will do their part by conducting a “slightly used” clothes drive and the Stockton Emergency.
Yoga at the Park will take place behind the museum beginning at 10 a.m.
For more information, call 209.483.5199 or log on to
Earth Day 2015 in this side of the 209 also includes:
University of the Pacific
April is Sustainability month at the University of the Pacific.
Throughout this month, all three of the campuses are celebrating and highlighting sustainable and green activities.
Activities include a bike repair station, Green Fashion Show, celebrity guest speakers (Annie Leonard and Eric Schlosser), a beehive collective and more.
Each campus will host a variety of activities based on the demands and desires of their students, faculty and staff.
The Green Fashion Show is scheduled for Friday, April 24, from 8 to 10 p.m.
Designers of all ages will have a chance to put their skills to the test by creating sustainable outfits.
For more information, call 209.946.2285 or log on to
Spenker Winery will celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 18, conducting a tour of the vineyard located at 17303 Devries Rd., from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Cost is $15 and available to those age 21 and older.
Those on the tour will have a chance to talk to the grower and winemaker on Certified Green farming practices.
The event also consists of lunch, wine-tasting and more.
For more information, call 209.367/0467 or log on to