The City of Ripon has been putting its best foot forward in trying to conserve water.
But even that’s not quite enough.
Despite some El Nino-related wet conditions, Ripon‘s running average in water reduction thus far is 27 percent, using 2013 levels as a base line.
The state mandate set by Gov. Jerry Brown is 36 percent.
New regulations from the state could be coming soon, according to Public Works Director Ted Johnston.
“The Governor has called for an extension of the urban water usage from February to October should the drought conditions persist,” he said at last week Ripon City Council meeting.
During the winter months, Ripon along with other cities throughout the state has gone to one day a week watering schedule. “Landscaping accounts for 50 to 60 percent,” said Johnston.
That’s scheduled to change effective March 1 when the number of watering days will increase from one day per week back to three days unless elected leaders opt for a revision to the resolution.
They’re planning to do just that at Wednesday’s special meeting in the Council Chambers, 259 N. Wilma Ave., beginning at 6 p.m.
Council will discuss and possibly take action on keeping the watering schedule to two days per week, from March through October.
“The two days a week watering is sufficient and will not only help with water savings but also with reports to the state,” Councilman Mark Winchell said.
Ripon officials are also hoping that the water metering project, once completed, will provide a boost towards further conservation efforts.
“A key item with the new meters is in the technology,” Johnston said. “Residents will be able to log on to a website and view their water usage or even get alerts of possible leaks.”
Meanwhile, City Administrator Kevin Werner said that the South San Joaquin Irrigation District discussed the drought at a recent meeting, reporting the snowpack on the rise at 114 percent. Even at that, he noted that the state could still end up below average without additional precipitation.
As for other items for this week’s special meeting:
uStaff is schedule to provide an overview of the proposed River Road and Fulton Avenue Intersection and Sidewalk Improvement Project along with the funding sources.
uCouncil will consider a fee structure for the application and issuance of permits to residents or businesses for the recently approved Residential Parking Permit Program.
For more information, call Ripon City Hall at 209.599.2103 or log on to
Ripon may switch to 2 days for lawn watering