Editor, Manteca Bulletin,
I am writing to tell you about the amazing efforts that a student group from one of our local high schools is engaging in next weekend. The group is called “Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán”, or MEChA. for short. This is the group’s first semester of existence at Weston Ranch High School. In less than four months, they have managed to not only start the organization, but also help their community. For the last two months, they have been planning an event, which will be held on Dec. 17 from 4 to 7 p.m., that focuses on helping the needy at the Stockton Homeless Shelter.
The students have held a coin drive for the last two weeks and have managed to collect more than $500, which will be donated to the Stockton Homeless Shelter. They have also managed to get several businesses from the local area to donate food so that they can take it to the shelter and people can have a warm meal this holiday season. They have also joined together with another student organization, the Black Student Union, or BSU, in order to be able to deliver warm coats to the residents in need. Students will not only deliver the items collected, but will also be staying and helping out on Dec. 17. They will also be providing entertainment so that the residents can enjoy a warm meal and something else to take their minds off of the stress that comes with not having a home during this cold season.
MEChA students have also decided to give their time and service to the Prestige Senior Living at Manteca in the form of taking Christmas Caroling to the residents of this retirement home. This will take place the day after the students will go to the homeless shelter, on Dec. 18 at 1 p.m.
These are just a few things that MEChA has managed to implement this first semester of their existence as a chapter. All of this will be done the weekend before they will be taking their final exams.
Valente Aguilar Jr.
Spanish Teacher/M.E.Ch.A. Advisor
Weston Ranch High