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Living history of Marie Curie takes stage at Gallo Center
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MODESTO - The Gallo Center for the Arts and Modesto Area Partners in Science (MAPS) is partnering to present “Manya: A Living History of Marie Curie” to serve as a fundraiser for Modesto Junior College’s Great Valley Museum Sept. 27 at 7 p.m.  Susan Marie Frontczak will portray Marie Curie, the first winner of two Nobel Prizes. The show will transcend the theme of science and touch on issues of politics, feminism, and history.

This one-woman drama exposes the struggles and triumphs of Madame Marie Curie (née Maria Skodowska) — an academically impassioned, vehemently private, fervently Polish scientist, mother, and teacher. 

There will be an admission charged for the event through the Gallo Center.  People wishing to have 15% of the ticket price given to the Great Valley Museum should use the promo code MARIE2012 when purchasing tickets by telephone, online or in person (full price is paid by the patron/GVM receives 15%).  The Gallo Center Box Office is located at 1000 I Street in Modesto or tickets can be ordered online at