When you finally tackle that home improvement project you’ve been planning for a while, you’re probably eager to get the job done quickly, well and on-budget. Injuries can delay your project, and cost money for medical expenses or even time lost from your job. It’s important to take steps to prevent injury.
Before starting the work on your next home improvement project, consider these safety measures to help keep you injury-free and your work accomplished on time:
• Stretch those muscles - Home improvement projects often require you to use muscles that you may not exercise often. Give your entire body a good stretch, from your head to your feet. Be sure to include your fingers and hands, since you’ll be using them frequently.
• Appropriate clothing - Wearing the right clothing for your project helps to protect you from scrapes, contact with harmful chemicals and other injuries. Closed-toed shoes, work gloves, a hat or hard helmet, long-sleeved shirts and heavy pants are all a good start. Also, remove any jewelry and tie long hair back to avoid getting something caught in machinery.
• Eliminate muscle strain - Fastening drywall with nails and screws, sawing wood, painting large walls - your wrists will be subject to a lot of strain, which can easily result in pain after a long day of work. Wearing the IMAK SmartGlove encourages the hand and wrist to remain in a neutral position - reducing the amount of straining movement, and has flexible support for the full use of your hand. This SmartGlove is also good for carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, tendonitis, hand fatigue and other wrist and hand pain. The material is a washable cotton blend for easy care.
• Wear eye and ear protection - Safety goggles and ear plugs are two tools you, and anyone around your work area, should be wearing while you’re working on your project. Safety goggles come in handy when sawdust is flying through the air, and ear plugs are recommended when using any type of machinery.
• Take breaks - Make certain that your schedule includes breaks where you can sit down, grab a drink and rest for 15 minutes. If you’re working on a project in warm weather, schedule breaks more frequently and drink plenty of water. Use the time to also stretch your muscles, keeping them as limber as possible while you continue to work. Don’t overexert yourself attempting to get the project done in a shorter amount of time. Your body will work better and longer with less pain at a slower pace, and when the project is completed, you’ll be able to enjoy the results of your work in comfort.
Protect yourself while working on your DIY home improvement project, so that you’ll be able to accomplish the project in the time you scheduled, without any injuries to slow you down. Visit imakproducts.com to learn more about protecting your hands and wrists from pain.