Editor, Manteca Bulletin,
We moved here to Manteca a few months back for employment and did not want to be mixed up in a lousy commute so we “settled” for Manteca. These observations are through the eyes of a newcomer.
*1. Manteca has no downtown. There is a stationer’s shop down where I assume a downtown should be, I’m not sure how they stay in business. The city is allowing all these commercial development to be built around the outskirts of town but not enticing business to rent or buy the buildings downtown. Please have some city hall people take a ride to Livermore or Pleasanton as that is what a downtown should look like.
*2. The homeless situation here is bad and bleak. Someone (the mayor, council or police department) needs to grow a spine and put their foot down. All homeless people need to be moved on out of town, immediately. The city allows the homeless to camp behind the post office and has given them a toilet. The homeless are allowed to camp at the library — you won’t find me or my family using the library, ever. The homeless are camped out along the highways too. This is unacceptable.
*3. The graffiti issue in this town is huge and it makes this poor town look even worse. I see someone is valiantly trying to paint over it, but then the paint that is used is in all different colors. I don’t know which is worse.
*4. I was told Manteca has a nice walking/bicycling path called the Tidewater. Well, we tried it and along the sides were — I guess — homeless relaxing and sleeping behind bushes and trees. I do not feel safe for myself or my family with people living/staying along the path. We will not be using that path again.
*5. Manteca is a drab, dull, dirty town. It just looks like the whole town needs a good power washing.
*6. There seems to be a shopping cart on every block, some blocks have four to five carts piled together. This is an eyesore for everyone that lives here or comes through this town and should be addressed on a daily basis.
I’m not sure this will help at all, but sometimes it helps having a different perspective through new eyes.
I’m a disappointed new resident.
Z. Andrews